
Quarter 3 Week 1Learning Task 3 ➢ Narrate your reflection on the importance of technology as you experience it in your life. ➢ Post your reflection in the timeline of your facebook account ➢ At the end of your reflection, challenge 5 of your friends by tagging them to do the same and tag you at the end of their post, including 5 of their other friends to who they pass the challenge of doing the same. ➢ Let us see the benefits of technology as it comes from the testaments of the people in the social media.

We have the technology available to us to enable the management of our daily lives and the sharing of valuable information with our friends, families and others. It is an essential tool that we cannot avoid, as it plays an important part in the majority of our lives. Technology essentially harnesses the tools and strategies used to help us solve problems and simply make our lives better and easier to live in all particular way. Technology is inevitable in our everyday lives. This is because life without this is pointless in today’s dynamic world. It brings together tools to promote development, use and information exchange, as it's main objective of making tasks easier in solving many problems of mankind. When technology progresses and makes our lives even more convenient, we must stress how beneficial it is to our lives. The positive impact of technology on society has brought change and helped us to reach new heights that have never been before conceived of. Nobody else has chang...

Quarter 3 Week 1 Learning Task 2 " Think Before you Click". Create a campaign material promoting “Think before you click.” This could be in a form of poster.• Then post this material on your Facebook timeline. As a student, this is the least that we can contribute to spread awareness in social media.• Please make sure that your post is in PUBLIC and share. Link are provided below. Fill-up the form then attached your file for campaign material.


Quarter 4 Week 5 Learning Task 2 - Social Advocacy Video Link Create an account to start your own social advocacy through video presentations such as document vlogs, documentaries, etc.. After you've created your own YouTube account, use the YouTube Search box to look for a sample of a Social Advocacy video, then create your own Social Advocacy Video.

Quarter 4 Week 6 Learning Task 2 - ICT Project Proposal PlanIdentify one specific local or regional issue that you think can be solved using ICT. Create a project proposal to address this concern. Be guided with the topic under Writing a Project Proposal.

My personal information or my short bionote

My name is Geron Alpuerto and I'm now 17 years old. I was born on July 13, 2004 at Mauban, Quezon and still currently living at this town. I am now at 11th grade in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School. My father's name is Rosenio Alpuerto, and my mother's maiden name is Irene Santoalla. I have two half siblings and I'm the youngest. During the height of the pandemic I mainly focus on indoor activities like reading, watching documentaries and news, and having conversations through online especially when modular distance learning is implemented. Although modular learning is quite more difficult I still learn some lessons that can help me to overcome the lack of new learning. With this method I learn to do works by myself and become more independent in studying. I learn also some things that are not often use to learn in school like self development, finances, and networking. As of now I still face problems but I know that with the help of my family, friends and our...