My personal information or my short bionote

My name is Geron Alpuerto and I'm now 17 years old. I was born on July 13, 2004 at Mauban, Quezon and still currently living at this town. I am now at 11th grade in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School. My father's name is Rosenio Alpuerto, and my mother's maiden name is Irene Santoalla. I have two half siblings and I'm the youngest. During the height of the pandemic I mainly focus on indoor activities like reading, watching documentaries and news, and having conversations through online especially when modular distance learning is implemented. Although modular learning is quite more difficult I still learn some lessons that can help me to overcome the lack of new learning. With this method I learn to do works by myself and become more independent in studying. I learn also some things that are not often use to learn in school like self development, finances, and networking. As of now I still face problems but I know that with the help of my family, friends and our Lord I can overcome these to be more stable. 


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